The Leyend

Quetzalcoatl and Mayaguel

Quetzalcoatl (Lord of the Winds and Feathered Serpent) represents the duality inherent to the human condition: the serpent is the physical body with its limitations and the feathers are the spiritual principles and is the main God of the Prehispanic Pantheon, deity from which they are generated others spirits.

Mayaguel (sacred source) was a beautiful young woman who lived in the stars with her grandmother Tzintzinitl. On one occasion, Quetzalcoatl, who considered that men lacked something that would provoke joy and awaken their passions, went to heaven to convince her to go down to earth and help him with this mission, but when her grandmother discovered them, she tore her granddaughter to pieces. It had become a tree, he tore it to pieces and left the remains for the animals to eat. However Quetzalcoatl took the remains of the virgin virgin and buried them; from it sprouted the maguey plant, from which pulque and mezcal extre, used in ceremonies as a ritual life and offering to the Gods.

In this tragic way, the mission of the Gods was fulfilled, to awaken the joy of the humans through the sacred elixir that is the Mezcal.

Tepoztecatl and Mayaguel

Tepoztecatl is not only an advocation of the pulque God, it is a venerated deity in all Mexico and at the same time it is patron God of Tepoztlán, because in that place it is protected thanks to the 11 hills bastions around it.

From the 4 lives of Tepoztlan, we are interested in the cosmogonic God, congenere of Quetzcalcoatl and Mayaguel who participated in the ceremony carried out in the crater of Popocatepetl (mountain that boils), which served as a container for the inventors of pulque (fermented agave ) that sat around him, formed a team of 11 drunkards like rabbits, who after trying the elixir, climbed to the sky to form the group of stars we know as the Pleiades.

The Myth

The elixir of the Gods, which is the mezcal of Tepoztlán, allows the Devil and Death to forget a moment of their inexhaustible work and meet other Gods in the belly of Tepozteco or to feel mortals and taste earthly loves, enjoy with mezcal that provokes joy and awakens passions.

The Brand

The brand is inspired by the popular artist, Jose Guadalupe Posada, caricaturist who illustrated with originality, the spirit of the Mexican people, their beliefs and their magic; famous for illustrating the skulls (verses allusive to death illustrated with living skeletons personified) where the popular imagination turns the skulls to ordinary people. His vision of death is compatible with the Mexican perspective, which is not afraid of death, if not the anguish of life.

The little red diablito was a weekly worker of combat to the dictatorship in whose pages drawn Posada. The image is of a red Devil and a Mexican skeleton dancing and drinking mezcal, under the magic of the God Tepoztecatl and surrounded by spirits of skulls, devils and worms.

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